Titus Center for Franchising

A Resource Like No Other

The Titus Center for Franchising, a Center of Excellence at Palm Beach Atlantic University, is dedicated to “educating the next franchise generation.” Since 2017, 该中心帮助学生掌握了商业特许经营的原理,同时也为想要从事特许经营工作的人提供了专业教育, buy a franchise, or franchise their business. PBA的特许经营课程为本科生和研究生提供面对面和在线课程. 通过现场研讨会和新兵训练营提供专业教育. 该中心的顾问委员会提供持续的洞察力、资源和支持. Many Advisory Board members speak throughout each semester, and many offer internships and scholarships.

Aaron Rose

19届毕业生,德克萨斯州Round Rock ResiBrands运营总监

“As a graduate of the Titus Center for Franchising, 我可以自信地说,这个项目使我具备了在特许经营事业中取得成功所必需的知识和技能. 他们全面而实用的教育使我对这个行业及其实践有了深入的了解, from both a franchisor and franchisee perspective. In three short years after graduating, 我有幸为一家新兴的特许经营企业集团服务,担任其运营总监. I can say with certainty, 如果你充分利用社交机会, world-class internships, and resources available through the Titus Center, it will catalyze your career in franchising, just as it did mine.”

Tom Pabin

创始人兼总裁- 101班/现在与Unleashed Brands -一家儿童平台公司

“我们新兴品牌的Titus中心是我们成长和学习特许经营的知识基地. Thanks, Titus Center!"

Alianna Marino

Class of ’24, Major: Business Administration

“我是拼搏体育的狂热粉丝,因为Titus特许经营中心为我提供了机会. With the Titus Center of Franchising, I have been able to connect with my classmates, other successful business operators and owners, as well as my professor, at a more intense level. This has helped me develop skills outside of the classroom. 我的一些机会和经历是与特许经营高管一起参加专业的社交活动, franchise conventions, symposia, 和特许经营公司的位置,以获得现实世界和实践经验. 这些是你在其他大学不容易得到的实践.”

Carson Quinn

Class of ’24, Major: Finance

“从我大学生涯的第一天起,特许经营就一直是我的幸事. Through the program, 我学到了关于特许经营的所有知识,包括特许经营的定义, 特许经营披露文件内各项的含义, the importance of the Franchise Fee, 以及特许人如何为被特许人的利益经营他们的公司. 更重要的是,私人社交活动的曝光率, conventions, internships, and scholarships. 我绝对推荐专注于特许经营,因为它会提升你的商业生涯和敏锐度.”

Matthew Cancino

Class of ’23, Major: Management

“我无法用语言来表达集中特许经营的有效性,以及我对参与其中的感激之情. 在与拼搏体育大西洋特许经营中心相遇之前,我从未想象过特许经营提供的令人难以置信的机会. 超越卓越的专业发展机会, 真正使Titus中心与众不同的是它所创造的社区意识. Titus Center for Franchising is more than just an educational institution; it is a life-changing experience. To anyone considering the Titus Center for Franchising, I wholeheartedly endorse this transformative institution. 准备开始一段非凡的旅程,这不仅会塑造你的职业生涯,还会在你的内心和灵魂上留下不可磨灭的印记.”

Alyssa Zandberg

Earned the Concentration in Franchising in 2023

“I will always promote Titus Center for Franchising. You opened doors I didn’t even know were there.”

Earn a Concentration in Franchising

所有PBA学生都有机会使用12个选修学分来学习特许经营专业, which includes an internship. 特许经营是一种全球现象,它需要员工,但也为人们提供了拥有一家企业或多个特许经营品牌的机会. 更多信息可从Titus特许经营中心获得.

To earn the Concentration in Franchising, 学生必须通过向林克商学院院长办公室或提图斯中心索取申报表来申报特许经营. 填写完表格后,学生可以将其交给院长办公室或提图斯中心.


All About Franchising

A Powerful Credential
Housed in PBA’s Rinker School of Business, Titus中心将允许您完成必要的课程,以获得商业学士学位,专注于特许经营. For those striving for a future in business franchising, 这提供了一个强大的凭证,将他们区分开来.
Titus Center for Franchising
Respected Worldwide
The Titus Center is led by Dr. John P. Hayes, CFE, 谁拥有数十年的特许经营经验,并在世界各地的博览会和会议上就这一主题发表演讲. 国内和国际的特许经营领导者来到PBA与学生交谈,参加研讨会和新兵训练营. 这些领导者提供有价值的见解,帮助塑造学生在商业领域的未来.
Opportunities for Students
PBA学生可以获得几乎任何学科的学位,同时也可以获得特许经营专业的学位. 集中要求学生完成特许经营实习,提供广泛的现实世界的见解和实践培训. 该课程为毕业生在特许经营社区就业和购买特许经营做好准备. 世界各地的特许经营公司为了就业和投资机会而招聘泰图斯中心的毕业生. 该中心还将为全球专业学生提供在线证书课程.

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